Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Health and wellness professionals are serving as role models to the people that they treat.  Patients and clients come to health and wellness professional for advice and support on how to foster better health, psychologically, spiritually, and physically. I need to develop the drive toward meditation I have a difficult time taking time to do the exercises that are not incorporated into everyday life.  The activities that are incorporated into life throughout the day rather than being set aside as separate activities are easier for me to actually do on a regular basis
Physically, I feel as better about my body than I did at the beginning of the term.  I had a baby the first week of classes and she was a C-section so it took me sometime to hela from that on top of that I had problems with my blood pressure the week she was born .  the factos combined I definitely felt sub-par having had just over 8 weeks sinc then I am definitely starting to feel better about my body physically even though I have some weight to loose.  I would score myself on a scale of 1-10 a 7 because although I am health I am in no way fit but that is something that will take some time to regain.  Spiritually I don’t think much has changed.  I am not a very spiritual person I have a very science based mind and that keeps me a bit lower on the spectrum of spirituality.  In this area I rank myself a 6 because I am grounded in the idea that I believe in something however I haven’t quite figured out what that is yet.  Psychologically I will rate myself an 8 I feel as though I am in a good place emotionally, I am happy with where I am at and who I have become in my life so far so there for I think that I have a pretty good outlook on life psychologically          
Physically I would like to lose some weight and get back in shape.  Spiritually I think that I need to incorporate some more intense meditation.  For this though I will need to be ablt to take time away from my children and boyfriend to be able to get the quiet alone time that it would take for me to really meditate.  I think that meditation and spirituality and psychological health go hand in hand so meditation would make a big impact on both.  My goal for these areas are to make time for myself and meditate. 
In order to foster growth in the physical domain I will have to implement some exercise routines and some health eating choices.  My physical goal would be to be more physically fit and to lose weight by implementing healthy eating strategies and not a “diet” It is more positive and less stressful and has been proven more effective in losing weight and keeping weight off.  Also I would like to add more physical activity to my routine My life has been a bit hectic lately and when I exercise I am able to find a quiet place in my mind and just relax a bit and also become more physically healthy at the same time. For Psychological health I need to take that time out for myself.  I have always been able to relax while drawing and painting, I have not had the time to do this recently however I intend to begin drawing again soon especially with break next week and the lighter class load that I have next term.  Also for my psychological health I need to get out of the house I have been staying home with my children and it is about time for me to go back to work which will help my emotional needs of having adult contact during the day.  The spirituality domain is where I have trouble as I have stated before I am not the most spiritual person, being a science major effectively removes the “awe” from many things that others hold spiritually sacred.  I do find some things in nature awe inspiring simply because of the magnitude of time that it has taken for them to be exist in the form that they do.  There for I believe that a good way for me to connect with spirituality is for me to experience nature. I am going to take more time with nature to foster spiritual growth.     
A good way to monitor my growth in six months would be for me to write a set of goals for where I want to be six months from now. I would seal the list in an envelope for six month, at the end of six months see how close I have come or if I have exceeded my expectations.  I could implement this strategy into my long-term progress assessment as well by making yearly goals or a goal for five years to see if I am where I want to be five years from now and also see how my ideals and goals have grown and changed in that time.  I think another thing that I would like to implement back into my life is keeping a journal, I used to write in a journal all of the time and it has been quite a while since I have done that.  I this will allow for me to document the things that I want to remember in my life and I also want to take the time to read some things I wrote a long time ago to remember the things that I wanted to remember then.  By implementing both of these strategies I should be able to foster growth in each of the categories and maintain long-term success.